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30+ Organisations providing support to doctors and other medical professionals in difficulty

Alcoholics Anonymous: A fellowship concerned with the personal recovery and continued sobriety of individual alcoholics who turn to the fellowship for help.

0800 9177 650

Association of Anaesthetists: Contact is welcomed from members with regard to any professional or personal issue that requires support. Website provides information and resources to support members’ wellbeing.

0207 631 1650

British Medical Association (BMA) Charities: Two charities that help all doctors, and their dependants, and medical students in times of financial crisis. BMA Charities Trust Fund: Offers grants to doctors and medical students who are in financial difficulty. The Dain Fund: The Fund helps with the education and support of doctors’ children when there are financial problems in the family

0207 383 6142

BMA – Your wellbeing: Services and information to support doctors and medical students. Includes a confidential counselling service and a peer support service that offers the choice of speaking in confidence to another doctor.

0330 123 1245 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

BMA Doctor Support Service: Doctors who face General Medical Council (GMC) investigations or licence withdrawal have access to a confidential support service which offers emotional help from fellow doctors and functions independently of the GMC.

0207 383 6707

​British Dental Association: The professional association for dentists who can provide access to sources of advice, guidance and help for managers and individuals experiencing stress, emotional distress or difficulties at work.

0207 935 0875 *

British Doctors’ and Dentists’ Group: A mutual/self-help group of doctors and dentists who are recovering, or wish to recover, from addiction/dependency on alcohol and/or other drugs

0785 912 5119 *

British Doctors’ and Dentists’ Families’ Group: An independent self-help group which offers help, support and recovery for all family members who are suffering, or have suffered, from the effects of a doctor’s or dentist’s alcohol or drug addiction.

0772 587 2866 *

British International Doctors’ Association: Works to achieve equal treatment of all doctors and dentists working in the UK based on their competence and merit irrespective of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, country of origin or school or graduation.

0161 456 7828 *

The Cameron Fund: A medical benevolent fund that supports current and retired GPs, as well as their families, in times of financial distress, whether through ill-health, disability, death or loss of employment.

0207 388 0796 *

Cocaine Anonymous: A fellowship of recovering addicts who maintain their individual sobriety by working with others.

0800 612 0225 *

Cruse Bereavement Care: A national charity for bereaved people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, offering support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies

0808 808 1677 *

Dentists’ Health Support Trust: A registered charity with a national network of advisers providing dental professionals with free support and advice on health, alcohol and drugs issues.

0207 224 4671 *

Dochealth: A confidential, not for profit, psychotherapeutic consultation service for all doctors, helping them to explore professional and personal difficulties with senior clinicians (fee payable for doctors using the service).

0207 383 6533 *

Doctors Support Network: An independent, confidential, peersupport network for doctors and medical students with concerns about their mental health. Offers an online, confidential, anonymous support forum. Aims to improve wellbeing of doctors by safely connecting them with other medics with similar concerns.

Contact form on website

General Medical Council: Support for doctors - advice on health management, health assessments and links to other independent organisations where doctors under investigation can seek advice, support and resources.

Health for Health Professionals Wales: A free counselling service for all doctors in Wales. Offers self-help, guided self-help, peer support and virtual face-to-face therapies with accredited specialists.

0800 058 2738 * : Contact form on website

HOPE for disabled doctors: Help and support for doctors with a disability or chronic illness.

Medic Support: A confidential service that provides support to medical students and doctors who have been identified as having issues relating to performance or health.

0292 0870 686 *

Medical Council on Alcohol (MCA): An independent charity of health professionals from all medical specialties, dedicated to improving the understanding and management of alcohol-related health harm. Its activities include working with healthcare professionals to increase their understanding of the risks associated with their own alcohol consumption and measures to address these

0207 487 4445 (Monday - Thursday 9:30am to 5:00pm) *

Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service: Resources for doctors and representatives: information and guidance about hearings to help doctors, lawyers and medical defence organisations prepare for a hearing. Includes a doctor support service for confidential face-toface support and a hearing information line for all doctors who have been referred to the MPTS for a tribunal hearing.

0161 923 6263 *

Narcotics Anonymous: A non-profit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem.

0300 999 1212

NHS Health Education England Learner Health and Wellbeing: Collated links to practical resources to provider trainees and learners with information and tools to improve their own health and wellbeing.

NHS Practitioner Health: A free and confidential service based in London for doctors and dentists with issues relating to mental health condition or addiction problem, in particular where these might affect their work.

0300 030 3300

NHS Staff Support line: A free helpline is available to all NHS staff in England. Trained professionals can give you advice on coaching, bereavement care, mental health and financial help. Support via text is also available to doctors any time of day

0800 069 6266 Text FRONTLINE to 85258

Pharmacist Support: Independent charity working for pharmacists and their families, former pharmacists and pharmacy students to provide help and support in times of need. Services include: wellbeing service; listening friends confidential helpline; financial assistance; specialist advice in the areas of debt, benefit and employment law and an addiction support programme

0808 168 2233 (Enquiries) ( 0808 168 5133 (Listening Friends) ( 0808 168 5132 (Addiction Support Programme) *

Psychiatrists’ Support Service: Provides free, rapid, high quality peer support by telephone to psychiatrists of all grades who may be experiencing personal or work-related difficulties. The service is confidential and delivered by trained Doctor Advisor College members.

0207 245 0412 *

Psychological helplines from Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland: Local helplines for HSC Trusts are available to support healthcare staff across Northern Ireland.

Northern - 028 9441 3644 ( Southern - 028 3756 2600 ( Western - 028 7161 1281 ( Belfast - 028 9615 1888 ( South Eastern - 02892 501 332

Royal College of General Practitioners - GP Wellbeing: Advice, information on campaigns, events, courses and other resources

Royal College of Surgeons Confidential Support and Advice Service: A confidential support and advice service for surgeons who are experiencing problems in their work or personal life. Provides signposting to resources and organisations that provide support and advice. The service also offers a surgeon-to-surgeon helpline.

0207 869 6221

Royal Medical Benevolent Fund: Provides support for doctors and their families through all stages of their career and beyond. A charity for doctors, medical students and their families, providing financial support, money advice and information when it is most needed due to age, ill health, disability or bereavement.

020 8540 9194

Samaritans: A charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide.

116 123

Sick Doctors Trust: Independent organisation providing support and help for doctors, dentists and medical students who are concerned about their use of alcohol or drugs.

0370 444 5163

UK Health Professionals with Hearing Loss: Deaf and hard of hearing health professionals providing information and support.

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