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Electronic Private Prescriptions Regulatory Findings

Following an investigation by the UK Pharmacy Safety Group which has resulted in the recall of some electronic private prescriptions, we would like to reassure our members that prescriptions created using our system, Clynxx, are not affected and remain fully compliant.

The report by the UK pharmacy safety group ( found that some prescriptions created by other softwares failed the compliance test due to missing electronic signatures, the ability for prescriptions to be altered without the prescriber’s knowledge and also the ability of a single prescription to be dispensed more than once, therefore such prescriptions were not regulatory compliant. As demonstrated in the review Youtube video (, Clynxx prescriptions maintained their integrity.

The study highlights the Community Pharmacy Patient Safety Group’s guidelines ( which give practical advice to its members who include Boots, Lloyds, Well and Tesco pharmacies.

Our members can continue using the Clynxx system with the confidence that we are fully compliant with the Human Medicines Regulation and also meet the Community Pharmacy Patient Safety Group’s guidelines.

If you need any further assistance on this or any other matter, please contact us via chat.

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